A downloadable game

Developed and submitted for Indie City Games All Stars 2024!


Black hoodie? Check.

Corny “V for Vendetta” mask? Check. 

Fingerless gloves? Check. 

Yep. It’s hackin’ time. 

In I’m In, let out your inner hacker by infiltrating systems, bypassing firewalls, and of course- accessing the mainframe.  

Armed with nothing more than your keyboard and mouse, can you prove your hacking skills and become the ULTIMATE CYBER WARRIOR?


  • Fast paced arcade style hacking gameplay!
  • Goofy INTENSE hacking challenges!
  • Dynamic music that changes depending on player status!
  • Online Leaderboard!


Designed and Developed by Warren “Big Scrumbo” Hernandez

Wanted Man And Gooba the Wizard… also depicted by Warren Hernandez

Stock images from Shutterstock, Alamy, Getty images, and Adobe Stock

Music and SFX by Watson of Musmus

Online Leaderboards powered by Danial Jumagaliyev’s Leaderboard Creator!

CRT effect by Brewed Ink

DOTween by Demigiant

Courier Prime font by Alan Dague-Green 


My Partner and my Little Sisters, for helping me test the game at its earliest stages. (And just for being cool :D)

My Friends, who came in clutch with some testing at the eleventh hour, for gassing me up and generally making this project a whole lot more fun to work on! 

Fellow Dev Chawles, for chatting with me about the idea in it’s earliest stages and really helping me get my ideas down!

David Antognoli and Michael Vaughn Green, more specifically, the little Mike and David in my head that pushed me away from mistakes and to keep making the experience better! 

Night City Games, Indie City Games, and… YOU!


ImIn_V1.00Windows.zip 42 MB

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